Module Installation

Procedures & tests:

o Fold HV kapton and cover with protection plates
o Insert module & fix one corner
o Set module z position to middle of BSS
o Fix module 2nd corner & attach set screws
o Check purging gas flow
o Type 1 1.5 L/min < 10% loss
o Type 1+2 1.5 L/min < 15% loss
o Type 1+2+3 0.5 L/min < 20% loss
o Unfold HV kapton & check HV traces
o Attach & glue active gas fittings
o Plug & seal unused active gas inlets.
o Leak test active gas volume (1mB/B/min)
o Install protection boards
o HV test with Ar-CO2
o Check active gas path for obstruction (flow rate test)